How to Get Started
Professional maintenance coordination will elevate your organization in the eyes of your residents, tenants, and clients. Handyman On Demand performs as a separate, "white-label", yet integral member of your team. And because we follow your policies and procedures, our tenant interactions create the appearance that you are handling the maintenance management internally.
Here's how we get started.
Discovery Call
Our first step is to schedule a Discovery Call. Click the link below to open our calendar. Schedule a date and time that works for you and your team. Once scheduled, you can invite additional team members to the call. This allows everyone to ask questions and understand how Handyman On Demand will benefit your organization.

Building Your Property Database
Every property in your real estate portfolio is unique. Often there are different owners, property managers, on-site managers, and maintenance managers. For this reason, we create a unique database record for every unit in your property inside our cloud-based software, POWERtoolsTM. The most important part of this database is to be sure that every maintenance work order and contractor invoice can be tracked back to the correct property. Getting started is easy. Download a csv file of your properties and units, or give us temporary access to your property management software and we can do it for you.

Building Your Preferred Maintenance Contractor Database
We are a maintenance coordination company and not a licensed contractor. We are on the front line of every work order. So we must eliminate any conflict of interest and the perception that we are in some way profiting from the contractors we dispatch. For this reason, we only dispatch contractors you have approved in advance. We call them your preferred maintenance contractors. Building your preferred maintenance contractor database inside POWERtoolsTM is simple. Provide us with a csv file of your preferred contractors. Again, give us temporary access to your property management software and we can do it for you.

Verification of Contractor Credentials
Every contractor and their employees who walk on to your properties, perform any work, or interact with your tenants exposes your properties, investors, clients, and corporate officers to legal and financial risk. While you can't prevent every accident or eliminate every possible exposure, you can mitigate that risk with professional-level contractor document compliance and control. Before any contractor is approved to receive work orders, we collect current and active contractor licenses, workers' compensation insurance policies, workers comp exemption affidavits, and commercial general liability insurance policies. No contractor ever sets foot on your property unless they have been vetted by us and approved by you. To avoid paying unnecessary taxes and penalties for improper IRS 1099 filings, we collect and hold on file the proper IRS W9 forms on every preferred contractor in your preferred contractor database. Every A/P posting transmittal includes a contractor's complete document set that can easily be referenced by accounting, management, clients, or investors.

Select Your Maintenance Team
Your Maintenance Team are members of your organization who have decision and approval authority. In smaller organizations, the maintenance team can be a single person. Our objective is to know who gets informed, who gets notified, and who approves certain work order related activities. This process ensures that important financial checks and balances are in place before authorizing a maintenance request, work order, or final invoice from a contractor.

Document Your Policy and Procedures
We aim to identify and document how maintenance work orders should be handled under different situations according to your policies. For example, all plumbing-related tickets are sent to a preferred plumbing contractor. Or work orders that are expected to exceed a specific invoice threshold may require multiple bids from different contractors. You may also want the resident manager or property manager to be copied on all maintenance activity even though they may not be part of your Approver Team. We also identify how different types of maintenance tickets are handled. For example, emergencies obviously have a more urgent priority over regular maintenance work orders. You may give us instructions to either approve a provisional work order or contact someone on your team after hours. The ultimate goal is to give us guidelines to follow just like you would in your organization.
Source New Contractors if Needed
In some cases, service gaps exist where a maintenance contractor has not been identified for specific trades. We have learned that having one primary preferred contractor and one supplemental contractor for each trade is a good balance. Waiting until an emergency occurs before finding a contractor can drive up costs by compromising your decision process. Handyman on Demand has recruited, interviewed, and sourced over 5,000 contractors. If additional providers are needed to support your property, we’ll make local recommendations for you to review.
Integrating the Maintenance Hotline
We have experts to help make minor changes to your website and property management software such as Appfolio, Buildium, and Yardi. Connecting residents and tenants to our 24/7/365 maintenance call center is as simple as forwarding your maintenance calls to our phone number. Whether by form, link, or phone, we can assist with making modifications to your website and the tenant portals of most property management software applications.

Integration with Your Bookkeeping or Accounting Team
We coordinate with your accounting department so that when you approve a contractor invoice to be paid, we send the A/P posting directly to them for processing.

After some pre-launch validation testing, it's time to go live. It's seamless. And tenants and residents enjoy the quick response, communication, and transparency.